Jew in the suburbs

Story Teller: Israel State of Mind
October 20, 2008, 2:30 am
Filed under: Hashem, Jewish, Judaism, Sukkot, Torah, Yom Tov | Tags: , , ,



My Dear Blog Readers,


I have Israel on my mind.  Not that it isn’t always on my mind G-d forbid, “if I forget you Oh Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill” (Tehillim, 137).  Israel just happens to be more on my mind now than usual.  Did you ever meet a good story teller? No by storyteller I do not mean a good liar.  I am talking about the kind of person who can relate a story to you and make you feel as though you are experiencing it.  In my experience, a good storyteller can relate a story that they have experienced or that they have heard someone else experienced and the results are the same.  You are left feeling as though you are living the moment.  I met someone like that who recently told me a story about Israel, but not just a story about Israel, it was a story about a Sukkot trip to Israel.  As the person spoke, I felt as though I had been transported there; I could feel the energy and I could almost hear the music from the concerts that this story teller said took place on Chol Hamoed Sukkot 


I felt as though I could almost see the massive amounts of people in Israel during this time.  I was so uplifted by this story; I never wanted it to end.  This person spoke of young people who had never been to Israel coming in groups and the looks on their faces as they took it all in.  This story teller went on to say how incredibility amazing it was to see young people who had little or no knowledge of their Jewish roots, being and feeling so connected.  I think I said “wow, that is really inspiring but I don’t think this person knew just how inspired I was!   It would be such a blessing to be in Israel during Sukkot, it would be such a blessing to be in Israel at any time.  Sukkot in Israel How amazing that must be!  If I recall correctly this story teller described it as a big party! How wonderful it is to feel so connected and so aware of Hashem’s presence.   I could hear the excitement in this person’s voice when I was told I had to go to Israel.  You see this story teller knew I had never been to Israel, and although I am not there right now, I truly did feel like I was.    Do you have a Sukkot in Israel story you would like to share? Do you have any Israel trip stories you would like to share? 


Have a good Yom Tov everyone!

Sleepy, lazy Shabbat
October 13, 2008, 3:35 am
Filed under: Hashem, Jewish, Judaism, Shabbat, Shabbos, Shul, Sukkot | Tags: , , , , ,



Dear Blog Readers,


This past Shabbat was quiet and lazy for me here is the suburbs.  I was feeling very much under the weather. It may have been due to the Yom Kippur fast coupled with the freezing   temperature of the upstairs room I davened in.  Most if not all of the women were cold in that room.  I point to the many, many winter coats, gloves and sweatshirts I saw being whipped out as evidence.  We women had cold hands yet warm hearts as we Davened to Hashem for forgiveness and for blessing.  The men whose hearts and souls I’m sure were just as full, were not cold.  Men never seem to be cold during davening. 


Of course, my feeling under the weather could have been just because there is something going around.  Either way, I felt under the weather.  I gave myself permission not go to Shul, instead I davened at home, rested, and slept.  I love the interactions of Shabbat. So, determined to feel the Shabbat mood come over me despite my under the weather feeling about thirty minutes before candle lighting time, I put on a Miami Boys Choir CD and dressed in Shabbat clothes to ready myself for candle lighting.  When I shut the music off, I had about ten minutes before candle lighting but the melodies of what I heard stayed in my head and helped me to feel the contentment that is Shabbat.  Now, Thank G-d I feel much better and Sukkot begins tomorrow night.  I am so excited!  Have a good Yom Tov!!